Oh, Contrarian, I think Plutarch is envious of your nom-de-cyber.
Over in a thread in Miscellany, he invited others to judge him (and by extension his posts) but when we do pass judgment, he claims we have no jurisdiction--or that jury is still out. --to him, the jury is always still out.

What a quandary!

In the past when such discrepancies arose, and have been pointed out, Plutarch has quietly, edited away the evidence. so to be sure LOOK quick before it goes the way of so many things.. and compare-- you’ll see I did edit and make bold a single sentence, but I didn’t change a single word of his!

Because I have you around to honor me for it, snoot.

Why else?

There is nothing like a sanctimonious "haranguer" to pump up the click count on one of my homilies. :)

P.S. Who can doubt that I have single-handedly brought you out of your shell, snoot.

Whether that is a good thing for the Board or not, I will leave to others to judge. But I'm kind of fond of you myself. Keep up the good work.
