choose one:

a) [N. Brit. dial.] a feeling of emptyheadedness often experienced after saying something foolish []

b) a recently coined corruption of Loch Ness, intended to be humorous, referring to the amount of folklore and mythology surrounding various tourist sites; examples of high "arghness factor" would be Loch Ness and the Blarney Stone. []

c) obs. wittiness []

d) the monstrous pain of being Scottish []

e) a musical term for measuring the quality of a bagpipe's pitch. []

f) a cape or head that rises in a shallow slope from relatively low land, terminating in a precipitous drop to the sea with no or only a very narrow beach region. []

g) obs. the darkest day of winter (related to Old Icelandic aarkneiss) []

h) the measurable moisture content of the organic base in a forest bed. []

i) early electrical hot water system (named after its inventor). []

j) a land filled with satisfying targets, none of which can be harmed or will hurt you back no matter what you do to them. []

k) dominatrix []

l) an intensifer popular among teenagers for the groan commonly spelled argh, as in: "Ohmygod that is such total arghness!" []

m) [f. Teut. argh + -ness] obs. cowardice, pusillanimity, timidity []