DARE has lots of info on gee and gee-haw. Here is a sampling that I was able to jot down in five minutes:

1. =gee, as command to draft animal (usu. to turn right) [widespread Americanism]
to get going; to operate, as of a motor, "I can't get it to gee-haw."

2. of people, to get along with [chiefly Sth]

gee-hawed - lop-sided, awry [esp. inland Nth]

gee-hawing - going nowhere, working at cross purposes [Ozarks]

gee-horse - the one on the right [N Cent, Gt. Lakes]

gee(2) - to suit, fit; transf. in neg. constr. "That won't gee." [Pennsyl]

These terms are quite widespread, but have been applied with different twists in different pockets of usage!

the Contrarian

the Contrarian