Hi folks, I just wanted to post a brief introduction (in lieu of placing a puff notice in my profile) before attempting to post anything of significance.

I've been a reader of these forums for some time and have been quite impressed with the level of scholarship and research in the area of word-related issues. (I have also been alarmed to see the (usual?) turf wars, which is one of the reasons I have hesitated to join in an active way and been satisfied with vicarious participation.)

I am a serious, albeit amateur, linguaphile. I hope that the serious part of me doesn't get in the way of posing some interesting questions and partaking of some intelligent discussions.

Eventually, with a minimum of cozening, I will post in the other forums.

Oh, don't be overly alarmed by the Username; I had to come up with something and I was feeling contrary to the effort of being original.

the Contrarian

the Contrarian