Its interesting how state liquor regulations change marketing from state to state.

NY States Liquor laws are famously arcane.. Liquor stores in NY almost never sell beer-- beer is sold by beer and soda distributors, who can also sell only NYS wines. Wines from out of state must be sold in liquor stores.. Most vendors who are licenced to sell beer can also sell NYS wine– but not any out of state wines-- out of state produced wine can only be sold by liquor stores This actually causes problems since it make it technically illegal for me (or any one in NYS) to
1) purchase a case of California wine in CA, and carry it home with me on the plane (or in my car)
2) it also makes it illegal to purchase out of state wine over the internet-- unless the seller/distributor has a NYS liquor licence.

So if i want so Zild wine i have to go to the liquor store, but NYS wine is available in my grocery store!

Even the large discount liquor store associated with Costco don't have beer-- Costco carries it.

many of the beer/soda distributers don't have coolers-- in the summer they chill the whole warehouse/store to 40 f. (what that 3 or 4 or so C.?) or so, in the winter they open all the doors or in some other way vent in outside air-- its been close to 0 c all week, a bit colder at night. beer goes skankie really fast at NYC summer time temps. (33 to 37 c. not being uncommon.)

Curiously, for many years, (but alas, no longer) the largest wine producing county in NYS was Kings County-- known to most as Brooklyn. Manishevitz (unsure of spelling) had a large winery/factory for producing Kosher food in Brooklyn, and the produce more wine than any single one of the upstate finger lakes "wine country" counties!