Obstructionist is one word.

But a term that I often use is "box-checker." This is someone who does EXACTLY what has been enumerated for him to do and not one iota more - even if failing to do this action will obviously cause irreparable harm to the final project. I did not coin this term.

Another term I use (which so far as I know I did initiate) is "technician's syndrome" to describe a person who knows some little pissant piece of 'knowledge', but lords it over people who are generally much smarter than he is - mainly because he has protection by authority and not because he knows all that much. It's a very common failing among semi-competent and incompetent technicians. Most of the really competent ones don't have any need to play this sort of game. Think that character Jimmy Fallon plays on SNL, "The Company Computer Guy."

It's not meant to be exclusive to technicians, but to people who think at about the level of a very poor technician trying to fabricate any excuse to continue playing solitaire instead of doing what he got hired to do.
