Mayhap it would be more correct to say: no other species seems to have developed the same kind of conceptualising capacity we have. ...yet. Who's to say that dolphins' minds, for ex., won't evolve to a higher level? Perhaps where they are now is maybe the equivalent to our Homo Erectus, or something.

But then again, I don't know if any other creature will ever need to develop brains enough to follow the relationships at the wedding I went to last night. I'll have to use names; otherwise some of the descriptions are going to take a paragraph each. Okay:

The bride and groom were Jake and Jade (sorry, I feel compelled to disguise the names, just in case).

Jade is the daughter of the man who used to be married to my sister-in-law Amy, who pretty much raised her. Jade's father and Amy divorced some time ago, so does that make Jade Amy's ex-step-daughter?

Now on to the complicated stuff. Jade has two children by a previous relationship and two children, Darla and Cindy, with Jake. Jake's children from a previous relationship, Bob and Lynn, were there, as were Lynn's two children, who are Jake's grandchildren Ellen and Eileen.

So--I think--Jake's two youngest children, Darla and Cindy, are aunts to the children--Ellen and Eileen--of his grown daughter Lynn. And yes--it's as mind-boggling to try and get it all straight when you know them as it is reading about it. Just to add to the mix, Jade's biological mother was there, as well as Amy, and Jade's half-brother--the product of Amy with Jade's father (who was there), and also Jade's full sister.