How about a word or two from one of the NOT "CARPS" you're so blithely assuming will support you, Carpathian/Plutarch/whoever the hell you are:

I've been sick of your shit for a long, long time. For a while I thought maybe you'd gotten over yourself, but apparently not. You lecture us, you condescend to us, you fight with everyone. Go ahead and make some nasty comments about me now, for using an expletive or something. I'm not aware that I've ever exchanged posts with you before, but I'm pretty sure you now hate my guts as well as every "Carpal Tunnel" here on AWAD.

Geez, I thought I could come here and lurk without getting pissed off...

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? -Ursula K. Le Guin, author (1929- )