It's in the Vocabulary section of A Primer of Medieval Latin by Charles H. Beeson.

Ah-hah! Thanks, Faldage! I should have thought to look through the vocabularies of the books I have; although I don’t have Mr. Beeson’s work. Many is the time I’ve been unable to find a word in any of the Latin dictionaries I have, or the Latin dictionaries online, but vaguely remember reading it in a vocabulary, or more often an annotation, and, after some looking, find it.

I wonder why there are so many such words that haven’t made it into the dictionaries?

"updated" Latin dictionary

Thanks, Fr. Steve. Who’d a thunk it? (For some reason I have the black-and-white image of dear ol’ Doc Vic yelling “It’s alive! It’s alive!”)

Of course, I had to have a peek. Here’s the link for those interested: Yeah, yeah, yeah -- sorry about that; I was in a hurry.

One of my favorites is: brevíssimae bracae femíneae : hot pants. Although it does kinda make me wonder who is putting together the list of words that really need to be translated.

prophesied the end of Latin being taught in schools in the UK within 12 years

I wonder how that bodes for those of us to the left of the pond. I would think that the UK would be the last bastion of Latin in the English-speaking world. Perhaps I’ve been taking too many old movies to heart, ‘Goodbye Mr. Chips’ and all. vie sis ‘em / we kiss ‘em