First of all, to Faldage: No, my name is actually spelled Miia. It's of Swedish origin (Mia), but with a Finnish spelling. Both are used in Finland, as well as Piia (Pia), Tiia (Tia is possible, but I've never heard it used in Finland) and Kiia (Kia). Vowel I is quite easy in Finnish, since it can be used with both A and Ä, e.g. liata (to make something dirty) and siistiä (to clean something up), and also with all other vowels.

Second, I did not mean to offend anyone by requesting American English speakers. There are actual reasons for this: the target audience of the translation is American, and conventions of translating are different in American and British culture, which is the reason why some Finnish novels are translated differently to these target cultures, and this is crucial in translation studies...

Happy Easter to everyone, and thank you in advance for those who have already volunteered. More the merrier, so everyone can still participate!