Dan Rather signed off last night, as he began 24 years ago, with "Courage". History may remember him for his last mistake, but it would be better if history remembered him for his last word.

This forum is for "favorite words" and, after thinking about why Dan Rather chose this single word as his sign-off through all the years, "courage" has just become one of my favorite words.

At the root of courage, of course, is the word "heart", and courage comes from the heart. Just like love. But love and all the other virtues are really only skin deep without courage to sustain them.

Therefore, this limerick celebrates Dan Rather's last word [whatever we may think of Dan Rather's last mistake]:

"Love conquers all", they say. How true.
But from the heart comes courage too.
Armed with courage
What could discourage
A heart sure and pure and true right through?

Signing Off, Rather's Wish for Viewers Is Still 'Courage'
New York Times, March 10, 2005


Dictionary.com: cour·age (kûrj, kr-) n.

The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.

[Middle English corage, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *corticum, from Latin cor, heart. See kerd- in Indo-European Roots.]