I think that's what they call it. Have to check with the Ozzies. Australian Rules Football. Used to be big on US TV for a while. I was always confused that there were times when someone would get totally porpillated by an opposing player and the ref would just stand there whistling Waltzing Matilda and then, a moment later, someone would get a little bit too close to someone else and the ref would be blowing his whistle, jumping up and down, waving his hands around and screaming and the guy with the ball would get a free kick. Then we were watching a championship game and we had an Ozzie with us who explained it to us. It all made sense. If you catch the ball from a kick or a pass, the point at which you catch the ball is the mark. If you're behind the mark you're safe from being tackled (or whatever it's called) and if you're ahead of the mark you're fair game.