Shhh! Don't look! I'm hiding between the Mastodons and the Mammoths. Maybe I won't be spotted down here in Animal Safari so I'll try to answer the question that I asked over in “Information & Announcements” namely,
"When did man leave the continent of Africa and populate the rest of the World".

Shhh! Be quiet and don't make a fuss. You people here are my friends.
For you I'll show a causal relationship between mankind’s exodus from Africa and the horny mastodons and woolly mammoths. Listen closely...

Birds do not fly north for the winter they fly south.

Here is a schematic for the last 250,000 years.

~~cold~~~~~~ [hot]~~~~~ cold~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [hot]~~~~~~~~cold~~~~~~~~~ [hot]
______220,000 ago___190,000 ago__________110,000 ago_______________________Today

X = new date of the Ethiopian sculls


Mankind is fixed in Africa with no artifacts by the new dating of the Ethiopian scullcaps. Men and beasts only migrate to cold regions during interglacial periods of world warmth.

Since it is obvious that man was already out of Africa during the interglacial period that we are currently enjoying, it follows that Modern Man and the Neaderthals left Africa during the previous interglacial which dates back to about 110,000 to 100,000 years ago as bold men followed vast herds of mammoths and bison and mastodons and beasts to a waiting Garden of Eden - a bountiful green, new and empty ecological niche.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, these early adventurers got caught up north when the last Ice Age struck and were there when the deep cold set in without relent and lasted a hundred thousand years until recent times.