Reading and writing - the sine qua non.

I wrote a long letter berating one of my older daughter's teachers (debate) and spoke to the math principal about her geometry teacher. Since that time I have written two letters in direct praise of my younger daughters teachers (that included indirect praise of several others). I have also written an email in praise of 3 of my older daughter's teachers - including the debate teacher whom she previously had trouble with. I also wrote separate emails of praise to her English and French teachers.

Oldest kid's writing skills have clearly atrophied since elementary school, but while she has been completely brutalized in her English class, her writing ability has shown dramatic improvement since the beginning of the school year. I credit the English/History combination of the IGCSE program (and particularly the English teacher's refusal to knuckle under to parental pressure). I also credit the debate teacher for making her learn to focus.

When I think they're screwing up, I write to them. When I think they're doing something particularly well, I write to them. I assure you, they much prefer the latter. I don't praise them for doing average or marginal work - not my kids and not their teachers.

I also wrote a letter to the school board recently and a follow-up letter to the school board chairman who had responded to me.

I share these letters with my kids. Sometimes they're shocked and fearful about how teachers will respond to my criticisms, some of which are pretty harsh. But what I've noticed is that they usually respond pretty well, if I'm frank and clear about what I see as problems.

I get annoyed when I send in a praise letter and I get a stock response like "well, we're proud of our teachers here ... blah blah blah." I spend a lot of time on each of those letters and when I send them, I'm trying to convey that this teacher has gone far beyond the call. As I'm not a person to give praise for nothing, I expect to hear that my letter has gone into the teacher's permanent file. I know they don't have a lot of leeway on salaries, but some of the teachers I think are really good are the ones that other parents have problems with - I just want it to be part of their permanent record that at least one parent greatly appreciates what they're doing.
