Geez, you-all: will you please cool it? Take it to PM's or anywhere that's not here? Aside from outright anger (justified or unjustified), there are some statements presented as facts that ain't necessarily such.

Please can we go back to the way we were near the beginning? That is, if you feel strongly about something someone has said, let them know via PM? Then the recipient can either delete/edit the offending material, or post something along the lines of: I stand by my opinion, but I apologize for offending, and will try not to do so again.

I know there are some people who positively relish watching other people spat--I have a friend here in town who does--but I am not one of them. In fact, I hate it.

Edit: thanks, tsuwm; your post appeared while I was composing mine. And, I MUST go out NOW...