
You have proof positive who Deiter is? We all have access to Anu's Anagram Server, as we all have access to this thread and these forums. I've been entertaining the thought that Deiter is someone else's s.p. Why, it could be Wordwind or Jackie or Capfka (all heavy partipants in this thread) or myself or... or yourself... or even plutarch himself (some precedents there).

I said to Jackie she should have just deleted Deiter's post, rather than responding as she did. And she should delete this thread now. But she takes Anu's admonishment, stemming from the previous shoutout, seriously; not to actually utilize whatever moderator power she has. Neither she nor I understand why he didn't just strip her title away.

A moderator who can't moderate is a little like Louis XVI during the French revolution.

Also, we should all desist from bandying about the history of keiva's days here. He still regularly monitors these forums (and recently posted here). You have no idea what he feels about us now, and I mean each of us individually and as a "word" forum.

If you're truly unhappy here and believe we've all gone "mad", there are lots of other forums you could try.