oh Zed were you here for the long discussion of the war of 1812--my it was fun..

everyone had a slightly different perspective, (each was mostly true)...

i remember, having 'D'oh' revelation.. i knew the american history of the war of 1812, and i knew the peice of music, the 1812 overture(with the cannons) and i had never --well --put it together! i 'saw' the war of 1812 as new US against England.. (and yeah, there was this, mumble, mumble, attempted invation of Canada, mumble mumble.. (glossing over the details!) but i never considered (not at all!) the action in europe..

the thread was great fun.. and included lyrics from the pop song about the andrew jackson, and the battle for New Orleans.

i KNOW my knowledge of history is incomplete.. (and i have been to canada--and Know its not all 'frozen north' and mounties in red jackets riding in the forest, (and singing duets!) but...

It is the nature of people (and goverments run by people) to paint history with a rosy glow.

I can love my country, and still reel in shame at facts about how we treated the japanese during WWII, and how we are treating all to many foriegn born(or just foriegn looking) citizens now.