Plutarch said:

"The Province of Ontario across from Michigan has more in common with Michigan than Michigan has in common with Alabama, for instance. Likewise, Washington State has more in common with British Columbia than with Alabama."

Bullmoose! Commonality is determined by shared beliefs and mutual history and customs not proximity.
As well, your blue state exodus is frivolous. 70% of the counties in your blue states voted for Bush, only the over-crowded dysfunctional cites voted for Kerry. This is a Republic, don't you know.

And BelMarduk, the Gross National Product of the US is bigger than the combined total of all other countries in North and South America. Wow!
A few years back over 90% of the visitors to oversea lands were Americans of US descent.
And when the foreign people wrote signs that said [YANKEE GO HOME] they were not talking about Canadians or Cubans, they were talking about Americans...USuns, whom they loved to hate.

Yet the dream of half a world in the last Century was to come to America. And that dream was to them, to come to the United States.

And they came and they are still coming.