then we really can ask the cat his name.

but if he says Fuzzy-butt or something like that...

LOL! That’s too funny!

Dgeigh: “Hey, Fuzzy-butt! What’s up?”

Hot-rod: “Me-ow? Ow me-owu myaw-ow Eowwwwwww-oww?”

Meowlingual: “What’s up yourself? And how the hell did you know my name was ‘Fuzzy-butt’, anyway?”

The translator could be to show us a meow say tongue.

Here’s a print out from their prototype rodent translator. Apparently it’s a transcript of a lab mouse being tested for frustration levels in a maze with no cheese.

Mouse say: “Dung!”

They’re still working on enhancing the prototype’s vocabulary.

Yeah, I know: it's weak.