belMarduk wrote: Now belli. ..your parting words were really out of place. You will note that we have folks from Oz here and they are, one and all, absolutely great.

Wait, all Australians are great?! You really shouldn't brand an entire nations people .. blah, blah .. (Sorry but you walked straight into that one)
but hey, I know they're great, hey, you won't believe this but, I am Australian, in a very broad sense of the word. I just don't plaster my 'nationality' to my forehead.

'hesitate to brand an entire nation’s people'. Sorry what thread were you reading? Perhaps I didn't make myself clear enough for yourself and Jackie, who failed to understand the use of 'shot' because it's actually an Australian colloquialism (to get back to language)
So: just the shot = just the ticket

no harm done ;-)
happy new year
p.s. what day is it?