Carib--too easy, unless I have been deceived
Arawak--no idea unless it's Alaska

Tupi--no idea
Catawba--no idea
Salish--no idea

carib and arawak are tribes of the caribean.. not sure which lived on which islands or if there lands overlapped, but you were right with carib.

tupi- (WAG) is eastern US coast (thinking of 'tupilo'-- several native trees carry tupilo as part of there name.. and making a WAG based on that.

Catawba--an other WAG, north eastern US --anywhere from deleware to canada but i don't know a specific area.
--there are native grapes with this name that are grown in NYS. so maybe the finger lakes area.

salish-- one of the Pacific north west groups. (anywhere from northern california to alaskan panhandle..i don't know specificly where, but somewhere there)