lagniappe - Quechua yapay 'add, addition'

This is a very handy word I recognized from your source, Maverick. Never knew where it came from before.* "high muckamuck" [Chinook hiu muckamuck] is another great one!

from Dr. Bill [wwh]:

Maverick's long list of Indian words is tantalizing in that I once knew many of them. For instance, I knew axolotl was an amphibian that we dissected in Comparative Anatomy. Think it was called 'mudpuppy'. I'll bet few members know where those native American groups [in Maverick's source] were located.

* M-W traces the source to french/spanish but perhaps "la napa" derives from "Quechua yapay", a custom practised by aboriginal peoples in regions of the Americas conquered by the Spanish.

Main Entry: [bla·gniappe
Pronunciation: 'lan-"yap, lan-'
Function: noun
Etymology: American French, from American Spanish la ñapa the lagniappe
: a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure