Welcome Back Max! We have indeed missed you!I hope dear nemo's misunderstanding of your flowery, fragrant and flagrant prose does not stop you from adorning these pages, long the poorer for your absence, with resplendent and glorious flights of grammarian gaudiness, for without your influence we, poor creatures that we are and so susceptible to inferior influences which abound in the press, on the airwaves and on television, would descend into banal, trite and trivial use of the English language which is, in all aspects including choice and color, one of the most magnificent languages ever to evolve and although I am sure each person is partial to the native tongue of his/her Motherland I must stand by my choice of English and your use of the language as one of the shining lights in an otherwise bleak and bland linguistic landscape.
{eye-popping, gasping emoticon here}