My daughter gets vocab tests from her teacher. The tests, however, are multiple choice - and it's often graded with this automated grading system. You know those tests like the ACT, GRE, SAT, etc., where you circle your answer and the machine grades it? Well, that's what they're using - only it's in the school ... I've always detested these things... and my daughter, too. She gets a long string of straight As and then a D ... (that's what happens when you get one of those pissant pieces of stupidity out of sequence).

I loathe them. OTOH, she gets more assignments. And of course essays are not graded this way. I'd complain vociferously about it except she loves her English teacher, and I've noticed a dramatic improvement in her writing skill in the last few months. She's still a little weak, but there is noticible improvement. She's taking this thing called IGCSE, combined English and History. I was skeptical at first, but I'm a big believer now. It's really good. She complains about how much work she has and how hard it is: I'll come in with a cup of coffee for her and a coupla cookies ... without looking up she starts complaining about how MUCH work she has to do ... "You have NO IDEA how hard it is, " she pules, but then she looks up and says to me, "God, I LOVE Ms X!" hahaha... I turn and leave. She complains and her grades are down, but she's happy and she's learning. Hey, I'm thrilled to death. The grading fiascos aside, I got nothing to complain about.

Anyway, congratulations on getting done. As much as I hate those pieces of crap, you might see if your school can get one of those grad-o-matic things (not sure what they're called).
