Everyone here is great!!!! Better than my Thesaurus, that's for sure.

I think the closest I've seen would be 'stultify' or 'desecrate'. I think 'desecrate' comes closest.

My seeking strays into philosophy a bit due to some of the premises but the idea is more along the lines of our continued homogeneity (speaking from the United States) that we see and, by extension, ultimate bankruptcy of culture as a whole.

'Culture' is really anything other than us. As we lose culture in this country, we move on to other countries. A logical progression seems to indicate that at some point in the future, 'culture' as such will cease to exist. We will all be the same.

Meaning implies a distinction, almost the antithesis of homogeneity. In our homogeneous culture, meaning is leaving. It is being surrendered or even stolen by a conglomerate force that drains the meaning from it, leaving us homogenized, sterile, empty, meaningless.

I suppose this would mean 'nihilism' but nihilism is not the term I'm after in regards to depletion of meaning in this manner.

I'm not sure if that helps and I'm not sure if there is an English word for it. Sometimes words or phrases from other languages ('reductio ad absurdum' is definitely on the right track).