Today's AWAD is:

animus (AN-uh-muhs) noun

1. Hostility; ill will.

2. Purpose; disposition; governing spirit.

3. In Jungian psychology, the masculine part of a women's personal unconscious.

[From Latin animus (spirit, mind).]

Aha! Now I know why Anu called this a "Water of India" week with no particular weekly theme. Because it's a trick. It's all an illusion.

There isn't supposed to be a weekly theme, but actually there is one. There isn't supposed to be a rabbit in a top hat either, but "PRESTO", there's a rabbit!

Have you noticed, it's always a white rabbit? Do you suppose it has something to do with the White Rabbit in Alice and Wonderland? Alice popped out of a rabbit hole and a white rabbit pops out of a top hat.

Do you suppose Anu is trying to tell us something here?

Of course! He wants us to figure out the Weekly Theme for ourselves. Clever idea, Anu. You never run out of clever ideas, do you? Just like the "Water of India".

OK. Let's look at all of this week's AWADs:

odium, presentism, repine, diriment and animus.

Where's the white rabbit? What's the weekly theme?
[Drat! I should have figured this out yesterday when Anu led us down that rabbit hole with "diriment".]

I think I know, do you? If I'm right, you'll find a clue in today's ALAD. ['Course only Anu can say for sure. But a magician never tells. So we'll have to figure it our for ourselves.]

One other thing regarding the "animus" which is the masculine side of a woman's unconscious: Do you suppose Jung had some unresolved problems with women? [If he did, he's not the only one.]

Now this is really going to throw you. Did you know your dog has "animus" towards you. It's true. He's got animus revertendi.

If you're going to post your own answer, don't read this [it could throw you off your "animus"]:

All of this week's AWADs describe angry, anxious or censorious states of mind.

BTW I have a special treat for you today deja daedalus from our own Dr. Bill [wwh]. Check out "daedalus" in "AWAD in Schools".