>just enough snow to make things pretty, with out making a mess-- and its been cold enough since then, that the trees and grass have keep their dusting of white, while the streets and walks are all clear and dry. It's been sunny, windy and crisp*.. temperature below freezing.. from about -1 c. during the day to about -5c. at night (30 f to 15 f)

Thanks for the weather report (and bilingual too)! I'm just packing our bags (I prefer posting to packing!) for my trip to NY then DC, I saw some presidential meeting in DC with snow in the background a few days ago, so unless I hear otherwise I'll pack my thermals!

I'm around until tonight, then in the air, subject to snow, ice on runways etc etc. All the best for hogmanay! Drink a wee dram for me! Don't forget to get a tall dark handsome stranger to bring in the coal and the whisky! I'll be looking for one in New York - do they have coal???