i have never before heard the second half of the couplet (If turnips were watches,
I would wear one by my side.)


there are many threads here with classic ditties(nursery rhymes of the mother goose variety)songs, and childrens poetry.

my own children were raised with these songs.

i think its is incredible sad that some songs, (many childe ballads) which i learned as street songs, and that children have sung for hundreds of years, are becoming unknown.

children today don't know all the jump rope songs and hand clapping songs, and game songs (london bridges falling down) that i learned. and even my daughter in law is unfamiliar with the gingham dog and the calico cat (which i will be reading later today to my granddaughter.)
she did know the owl and the pussycat..
{ok, i'll conceed, most childrens poetry is pretty new.. (ie, 100 to 150 years old, vs. songs like "ring round the rosies")}

i hate sounding like an old foggy.. but scraps of poetry and song, learned long ago, still stirs happy memories.
froggy went a courting..
the tree is in the hole and the hole is in the ground..
the water is wide i can not cross over, neither have i wings to fly..
my bonny lies over the ocean, my bonny lies over the sea..

and all the other ones we have thread and threads of collective information about.

but really who cares (well maybe you do)about ditties that one finds in Mc Dodo's..(that is almost touting fries? do you want to super size them?)

i doubt any verse that references beggers flying can be too old. and it doesn't really add to the original couplets do you think?