I want to write a limerick about "the beaten path".

I've got to tell you, this is the toughest house in the land to catch a break. You know what they say about New York: "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere." Well, that lyricist never tried his luck at AWADtalk, that's for sure.

But, you know, some of the best mentors are the sternest task masters. It may feel like flogging when you're dogging or you're slogging, but these wordtaskers could be your best friends in disguise. Does that come as a surprise? It did to me.

And who are the sternest taskmasters of all, if not our enemies, who want us not to succeed, but to fail. Our friends accept us as we are. But our enemies demand of us more than we are.

So that's why I am indebted to all my friends at AWADtalk. But, most of all, I am indebted to my enemies. My friends I love. My enemies I salute.

The beaten path can beat you up, or beat you down. But it can never beat you out.

The well worn path to success
Is not the path you might guess
It isn't the wear
That will lead you there
It's the wear you surmount in distress.