Today's AWAD is stuntman so I've got today's ALAD off 'cause I did "stuntman" yesterday.

So why not a little soft shoe?

I know I'm going to regret this because a poet is never supposed to poke fun at poets who poke fun at him. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I guess you could call it "poetic injustice", or maybe it's "poetic justice", depending on your point of view.

Besides, this is not an official ALAD. It's just an ALAD which has fallen off the beaten path. [And I know I'm going to take my usual beating for it anyway. But I hope not 'cause it's not supposed to be taken seriously. Seriously.]

There's always a critic tut-tuttering
Any limerick with a "sniff" "sniff" of smuttering.
If there's no whiff of smut
You're not out of the rut
You're just back to head butt rebuttering.

OK, I'm weak, but it's the end of the week. So scoff 'til you cough, it's my ALAD day off, and my rhyme is on my own time. :)

Come to think of it, I think I've got a stuntman limerick for today after all, and I think I'd better get it off my chest. That way I'll just get one beating for this dual post, not one now, and another one later. :)

There are hidden rewards for the stuntman
Who stands in for the leading man
He'll take every punch
He's always there in a crunch
He'll even double for an adorable fan.

BTW I'm kinda hoping that the theme for Anu's AWAD next week will be the most essential people in the healthcare industry. That way we could use some of the lessons we learned this week to warm up for next week. For instance:

You should always take your medicine
It will help to cleanse the sin
Of being so smutty
Or rutty or nutty
You belong in the "Weekly Themes" bin.