for some one who is always sprouting poesy(your word)
you could at least learn to rhyme.

batting and belting don't. nor do batting and swatting
or program and pogrom.

i agree my rhymes are not perfect, but if you want to improve the quality of submissions, start with charity, (to our poor ears)and remember charity begins at home!
maybe you should particapate in a workshop, and learn how to write a basic limerick.

meter is harder, (and i often fail-- with close butrarely ever perfect meter.) but get a clue!

Mav gave one set of directions, i gave another, (i have several more, from previous threads of limericks, (were i also dominated and posted on average, a 3:1 (of all other posters combined!))

but then i do like them.. (i have a complete collection of edward lears, and other..)and i don't see this a a competion. I don't join in hogwash (i don't really understand how it's played.. (and i have read the directions twice..) and i never can understand when its over, 1) what the correct defination is, and 2) why there are points.. (the points are about as useful as a tit on a bull) but I am, if not alone, a definate minority..

here in limerick land, i am in the minortiy too.. it doesn't really bother me (the laments about being hated and ignored are just for fun) and i know, eventually almost everyone will end up posting a limerick.

it's not a competition. there are no points for quantity, (but quality is always going to be judged--even if nothing is said!) its WRODPLAY AND FUN.

If you think its a competition, go right ahead and try to keep up with me.. (i don't care if you post a gazzillion.) if if they are all as poorly formed as most (if not most then a large part)of the ones you've posted, well its no competition..