[empty boast!] didja notice how Anu used the word 'nark' just after I sent him that limerick? [/empty boast!]

No, I didn't notice but I just went back and found your opening line: It’s a Global Brand Manager’s nark

I confess I didn't know what a "nark" was when I read you limerick, and I was too lazy to look it up. [I did get the drift of it tho so I enjoyed your limerick anyway.]

Perhaps there is value in posting Anu's "Word of the Day" after all. It's my hope that by adding "live" discussion of Anu's daily words, it could add a new dimension of value for people who receive his "Word of the Day" email [not just members of AWADtalk].

That could result in more people coming to us who read Anu's daily AWAD email, people like drallie, who wrote on January 4th [on her first thread "Word Conveying Reflection"]:

"When Anu responded to my email by politely explaining "my limited time prevents me from doing justice to individual questions" and suggesting I post the question here, well.... I have known for several years that AWAD listmembers were creative and thoughtful folks; the depth to which some go to comment on individual words has been enormously pleasurable (not to mention educational!!). I didn't expect, however, that my little query (truly a vexing question for multiple years now) would generate this most wonderful threaded response. Thank you so very much!!


If Anu saw that our daily discussions of his "Word of the Day" produced additional value for his readers, on the testimony of people like draille, he might consider including mention of AWADtalk [even a link] in his daily "Word for the Day".

Think of how many amazing new visitors that might bring, some of them as amazing as draille who started a thread everyone loved about "moonglades" and "moonbows" [including photos], kumatage and more.

BTW here is a photo of a "moonbow" which was posted by Owlbow:


I'm posting this photo as a way of saying thanks to drallie. "Thanks, drallie." :)