I widened my search criteria to explore concepts such as "gentleman scholar and found --- Confucian ideals; and whilst I have no knowledge of the underlying language, it would seem the idea of 'gentleman' is one that is far from only occidental

Could we go so far as to say that our Western ideal of a "gentleman scholar" and the Confucian ideal of a "gentleman scholar" are "co-occidental", Maverick?

It is interesting that the Orient meditated on the meaning of "gentleman scholar" centuries before we began to use it, and still use it to this day, without any particular meditation on its meaning [at least until you meditated upon its meaning].

Extract from your last link:

"In the Korean tradition, for example, the plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo are popularly known as the "Four Gentlemen," for each is said to embody the noble qualities of the ideal Confucian gentleman-scholar. Because they survive the harsh winter months, the pine, bamboo, and Chinese plum (Prunus mume) symbolize strength in the face of adversity and are referred to collectively in Chinese art and literature as the "Three Friends of Winter." Flowers affiliated with the four seasons and twelve months are pervasive themes in East Asian art."

Thanks for the excursion, Maverick. Most enlightening.