a whole new industry will be born. get on board now to design the online equivient of the TV guide.

with every one able to write, and pass their stuff off as 'literature' a whole new breed of reviewers, and organizers will be needed just for literture.

google, good as it is, is a generalist. we'll need search engines like google to learn which search engine we need to use to find:
foriegn language
works of fiction, and non fiction. (and to weed out the garbage)

no doubt there will be a 'romance' search engine, finding every crappy romance novel there is in creation (on line) and there will be version of something like WebMD with links to on line research artiles, and other specialized info (like what now might be found in JAMA, or Lancet)

when radio came along, every thought concerts would be a thing of the past. concerts and there audiences have changed, (as have peoples listening habits.. who would have thought that talk radio and country music would dominate the radio dial?)but there are still concerts. (and more people go than ever!)

the internet, and internet access to library collections will change things. will it be for the better? not completely. TV changed things. sure 99% (maybe even 99.9%) of it is garbage, but oh that 01.0 and 0.10%-- some of that stuff is wonderful!

as more and more people get computers, and get on line, things will changes. (will the net remain mostly english? if not what language will dominate?) and companies (and non profits!) on the net will have to appeal to the biggest niche 'audience' (at that will be?)