[pun intended] just following up on Faldage's thought:

Chiefly U.S.

[f. prec.]

1. intr. To play the demagogue.

1656 HARRINGTON Oceana 143 When that same ranting fellow Alcibiades fell a demagoging for the Sicilian War. 1850 Congress. Globe 24 July App. 940 In Ohio, the master-spirits of the party, while demagoging upon the stump, have promised the people [etc.]. 1867 Ibid. 16 Mar. 146/1 There was a great temptation presented to members of the Republican party now to demagogue. 1876 Congress. Rec. 1 July 4338/1, I have not been one of those..trying to cut down a few dollars for the purpose of demagoguing before the county.

2. trans. To deal with (a matter) after the fashion of a demagogue.

1890 Cincinnati Commercial Gaz. 31 July, The President never thought of demagoging the matter by..spurning the goodly gift. 1897 Congress. Rec. 20 Feb. 2041/2 Here is a plain, common-sense question, not to be demogogued in any way.