I'm not sure whether I played this game several years ago and subconsciously remembered it or if I made it up just yesterday, but here are the tentative rules:

Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is given a numeric value, two letters for each integer from 1-13 (the values I chose out of a hat). A word's total value is calculated by adding the value of each letter in the word. The object is of course to come up with the word that scores the highest number of points. Here come the hesitant rules...
The word must be at least 7 letters long. Furthermore, if the word's length exceeds 7 letters, 10 points will be deducted for each extra letter. Suffixes and prefixes [are suffices and prefices not accepted plurals of suffix and prefix?] ARE ALLOWED. Hyphenation IS NOT. The word must be an English word; archaic words are acceptable. I'm also debating implementing bonuses, e.g. +15 points for using unique letters (that is, not repeating a letter in the word), +8 for lacking a prefix and suffix, or a +15 bonus for a word that lacks r,s,t,l,n, and/or e...

The value of the letters for this round is as follows:

1 Y, G
2 Z, M
3 N, F
4 K, U
5 L, C
6 H, X
7 A, V
8 S, E
9 D, B
10 P, I
11 R, J
12 W, O
13 T, Q

Here are two examples for clarification (hopefully):

8 + 13 + 11 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 11 = 81
Since it has 8 letters, which is three more than two less than seven, it takes a 10 point deduction, for a final score of . . .


10 + 11 + 12 + 12 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 69
Since there are letters in the word, there is no deduction. Final score:


I currently have an 81 point word, and an 84 point word if the +15 unique letter bonus is counted.

I think it will be fun.

Some people say camping is boring. I say it's in tents.