Moral of semantics: A person may change his ideas about ethics; but not his morals without compromising his sense of self.

O che sciagura d'essere senza coglioni!

Francois Marie Arouet (aka Voltaire) [1694–1778]

Young Folklorist: Mr Spence, I couldn't help noticing that you play all of your songs in the same tuning, dropped-D tuning, and the same key, D major. Why is that?

Spence: I used to know all them keys! I knew 'em all: A, and B, and D, and F, and H ... I used to know all them keys!

YF: Well, Mr Spence, if that's true, then why do you play everything in the same key of D? Why don't you use any of those other keys?

Spence: I got tired of 'em!

In memoriam. Joseph Spence [1910–1984]