that doesn't surprise me, tsuwm, I felt there were many here with lots and lots of computer experience-- in 1966--last year of elementary school-- or first of HS-- i think.. (but i had already learned octal & binary. My school was a "pilot" for new math, and "alternate numbering systems" was part of curriculum-- ) I "forgot" most of it, till i needed it-- my first computer (TI99/4A) used Hex--since it was a 16 bit OS. graphics required binary (you could turn an individual pixil on or off using commands--the binary code got shorthanded to hex-- )
I had a eurika! and realized, i knew binary-- and hex was easy to learn.

Xara is up there too, for being computer whiz-- and Faldage too..

I got the impression, many if not most, could slip into geekdom--if we wanted to-- but to be true geeks, we would have to be almost illiterate-- and only able to code.. so we'll never quite make it. (we're all to sociable and chatty too!--not real geeks)
Sorry if i offended CK-- You might well be the most computer literate person on the board-- but the rest of us are hardly a bunch of luddites..(Not that luddites are welcome too!)-- Who knows maybe someone will choose "Jethro Tull" as a sign in name.