Some years ago, when I was a psychiatric nurse, my sister and I invented a few pseudo-medical terms to describe our colleagues. These were:
Mononeuronia - Have a single brain cell
Inhibitory Bineuronia - Having two, mutually inhibitory, neurones (For people brighter than mononeuronics but with less drive and energy)
Asynapsosis - Having all the gray matter but with none of it connected together. Common as a temporary condition in tired doctors and not rare as a permanent condition in some doctors. Characterised by knowing a great deal and in being completely unable to use this knowledge constructively.

Many doctors in the UK used to use apparently medical abbreviations to comment on patients (Before patients were allowed access to their medical notes). These included NVB (not non venous blood, but not very bright) and NFA (Normal for Armley - a working class area of Leeds in Yorkshire. This, of course, had many variations depending on the location).

Does anyone else have examples?