Mmmmmmmm. Just what we look for in the morning.
Wet, lumpy wall-paper paste with butter and peanut butter. Yummy.


Awwright--I think I'll do this now: the only time I have ever gone completely off my rocker in anger over this place is the thread--possibly in our first year, or shortly thereafter--that got longer and longer with recipes. Recipes for banana sandwiches. I still remember (with a shudder) that it was Bingley's Durian thread. I completely lost it (temper-wise). Shades of, "Are we becoming a chat room, now?".
I have been clenching my fists in the sandwich thread (bananas again--what IS it about bananas, anyway??), hoping every day that it would stop. And now we're starting on grits recipes. And it's even my fault, for bringing up hominy. Augh!