"Our library director is very frustrated that she has this lovely new library and it has all these misspellings in front," said city councilwoman Lorraine Dietrich, one of three council members who voted Monday to authorize paying another $6,000, plus expenses, to fly the artist up from Miami to fix the errors.

Why pay her more to do what should have been done correctly the first time?

"The importance of this work is that it is supposed to unite people,"
"Dummies Unite!"
Alquilar said. "They are denigrating my work and the purpose of this work."
No – only the incorrect spelling that it contained. PAY ATTENTION!

There were plenty of people around during the installation who (sic) could and should have seen the missing and misplaced letters, she said.
“Knot my fault!”

"Even though I was on my hands and knees laying the installation out, I didn't see it," she said.
Perhaps she should have been working instead.

"The mistakes wouldn't even register with a true artisan, Alquilar said.
"Woidsmiths are knot 'true artyzins', so chill out will ya?"

"The people that are into humanities, and are into Blake's concept of enlightenment, they are not looking at the words," she said. "In their mind the words register correctly."
“Yeah, u no wat I mean u people, dont fus over thos peskee woids, their knot reel ott anyway.”

(sigh)...OK, I feel a bit better now, O'bow