>And what be 'e doin' when 'e saw it?

> Spyin' 'e an' titter.

Back in the 30s an English judge visited one of the English colonies in Africa somewhere well south of the equator. The local jurists were quite proud of their justice system, patterned after the Englush system. The judge sat and watched the berobed and bewigged jurists but was somewhat taken aback by two things. First, many of the women in the audience were somewhat underdressed by English standards, wearing nothing from the waist up. Secondly, at random intervals, a man, laughing maniacally, would dash through the courtroom, slapping three or four of the women on their bare breasts.

After the court adjourned, the English fellow inquired about this activity. "But Sir James," he was told, "we've taken this directly from several English novels about court proceedings. Every one of them had the sentence, 'An amused titter ran through the courtroom.'"