Is Shirley Maclaine, Shirley Maclaine? But no, I'll never admit to God and his creation that I have read "Out On A Leash" which oddly , is co-authored by her oh-so-cute little dog - Terry. Instead I'll just say that Shirley has aged inversely. Meanwhile, Smilodon would like to say a few words.

Hello. (Thanks Melt for the use of your computer, mine's broke.) At first I thought I had been thrown off the Word A Day Forum because of some breech of decorum too subtle for my low southern upbringing to perceive, but then, two days later, I got thrown off a back-up forum, viz, Wordcraft, too.

Strange. Then, this past Sunday, I got happy...I got thrown off Yahoo and Hotmail as well.

Hmm, I thought, this episode is like HAL in reverse in the space flick 2001. Slowly...but surely, my computer was systematically shutting me down because of an illegal invasion by computer crooks. I felt better.

But as I wait for the Compu-guru to attend my sick machine I want to tell Wordwind of my efforts to identify "rabbit tobacco"...

The Botanical Gardens refered me to Auburn University so I arranged a trip there last Friday. In Auburn I visited a new nicely-designed Museum of Fine Arts in which houses the largest collection of Audubon prints (bird series) in the southeast as well as paintings by Picasso, Renoir, Chagall, Dali, and the like. (I mention this because I missed seeing the topkat on campus who knows the definitive word on the species of plant that Harper Lee would likely have called "rabbit tobacco". Poor planning, he had just left for the weekend. Rats.).

Anyway WW, I might go down to Auburn Saturday for the LSU game (hurricane permitting), and if I do I will try again to round the rabbit tobacco man up. Meanwhile here is his name and number and e-address ...

Curtis Hanson
Funchess Hall

Maybe I can get back Word-a-daying next week. But, as this world is conscrewed, maybe not.
