This was a great word tsuwm posted on his site this past week...term for those 'six and a half books' that are lying next to your bed, but are half-read. tsuwm wrote it much more concisely.

Anyway, reading 'ballycumber' caused me to remember a word I think Dr. Bill had posted over a year ago. It was a terrific word that meant someone who reads beneath the covers--the way I'll bet lots of us did when we were kids and our parents told us to turn out the lights.

That word had 'ist' in it...and 'lo'... and 'cu'...and 'bri' or 'bru'... and 'tion'...but I can't remember the word.

Will someone please resuscitate it for me? Thank you very much.

Loco........brutionist? I'll check on onelook under loco*

Edit: Take the above clues with a grain of salt. And is little help. I did find 'perpilocutionist' (one who talks through his hat, one of tsuwm's 'worthless' words) and undulationist, which I thought might be a belly dancer, but turned out to be one who advocates the undulatory theory of light, whatever that is.