oh, i see, since i dissagree with you about the idea of a random, rotating panel of some kind to judge word games(most of which i don't play!) i am guilty of some sort of group think. could be i don't care about hogwash, and don't care how its scored.
not that it matters much. points 'won' in hogwash are good for ...., um..., well.. Oh i know, NOTHING.

as for my suggestions....some kind to judge .... to intervene firmly but politely in unpleasant exchanges,

that is not our decision to make. i have no more power here than you do, nor does any one else, EXCEPT Jackie, and she had her power bestowed on her by Anu Garg-(and she did not ask for it, he assigned it,) and she wields it very lightly. no one shuts you down! you are allowed to complain, and complain, and complain. your posts aren't deleted, threads aren't closed, you aren't denied access to the board. (would you do the same?)

the the ruling elite is Mr Garg. he pays for this site, (web servers aren't free, even if access to them is) and he make the rules. You have a problem, start sending him emails. ask him to act on your suggestions. and if he does, (or doesn't) i have no say in the matter. It's his choice.

please stop complaining that I, some other carpel tunnel rated poster, or some secret cabal of posters are making the rules. (if i made the rules, you would be allowed to say time and time and time and time again that I was!)

your suggestions have been met time and time again with the answer WE DON'T MAKE THE RULES or more commonly, There are no stinkin rules around here not to ridicule you, but because we are stating facts. (now you might not like the facts, but that is your problem!)

obviously this anarchistic non-chaos bothers you. you want rules. Fine, make some up. keep to them. I won't mind. just don't expect me to follow your rules. (and i would be very surprized if others did!)

i rather like the anarchistic non-chaos here. i think some others do too.

there are plenty of BB's with pages and pages of rules, and abritary enforcement of them (where newer members are whompped, and 'elites' get away with murder)if you like rules, got to those BB's and work on writing rules, and enforcing rules.. become a ruler. no one forces you to remain in this open, ruleless and ruler-less group.