please don't tell me what i think. You can't know-- and i find it insulting that you ascribe to me, all this negative thinking.

if you'd like to present some indication that i think that way by going back and finding posts were i have expressly stated some of 'these thoughts' you could, but most likely i would ignore you. You, by your behavior are teaching me to ignore you and your post.(not quite entirely yet, but more and more each day.)

i like or dislike someone, or the words they post, not based on some sort of group think, but based on my reaction to their post.

'grapho' might not be a carpel tunnel, but you sir, your posts, under all your different names total easily to carpel tunnel range. so you too, are a carpel tunnel poster, even if you change names to hid that fact.--and your name changing is something you don't make much effort to hide.

perhaps the beliefs you post are your own. In which case, please label them as such.

its a sad world, and daily i hear more and more stories of people who have lost some of their civil rights, based on nothing but their ethnic group or religion. but AWAD still remains an area of free speech.

you are free to say anything, but understand, I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR STATEMENTS. you might try to repeat them, again and again, (as the current administration does,) in hope that repeating lies often enough and loud enough will make people believe it. but i know it's a lie.