The Carpal Tunnels believe they confer precedent. I do not.

The Carpal Tunnels believe no-one rises in esteem except unto them. I do not.

The Carpal Tunnels believe that all graces flow from them, and all disgrace. I do not.

The Carpal Tunnels believe that being a Carpal Tunnel is itself a grace, a grace and a privilege, and not something which can be achieved simply by climbing the stairs of the Kingdom as they did.

The Carpal Tunnels believe that merit is something to be shunned if it is not obsequious to their merits, real or imagined.

Tho they are many, the Carpal Tunnels are only one.

Altho I am only one, I am more than all of the Carpal Tunnels.

And so is anyone who breaks rank with them, or rises against their oppression in conscience.

The Carpal Tunnels belong down here with the lowliest of "Strangers". In fact, there shouldn't be any "Strangers" or "Carpal Tunnels".

There should only be people who respect one another, not as members of a privileged stratum, but as unique individuals with equal and unrestricted opportunities to enjoy all of the benefits of the community.

Of course, this is not a revolutionary concept in any domain where leaders are elected by secret ballot, and where principles of natural justice are not considered revolutionary.

It is only considered revolutionary here in AWADtalk.