The Final Debate

The New York Times published an editorial this morning containing this trenchant observation:

"The campaign's debate season began with wide doubt about the usefulness of encounters that were so completely scripted by lawyers and handlers that it seemed unlikely the public could learn anything. But the result has been much better than expected."

I can see some parallels with our own power struggle here on AWADtalk.

When I first visited "Confessions of an Heirhead", I had some doubts about the "usefulness" of these uncommonly frank and fearless 'encounters' with the olicarps. I'm sure we all did.

The olicarps have never permitted this type of debate before. Anything which smacked of olicarpian criticism was summarily drowned out with olicarpian protestations of olicarpian purity.

But now that Plutarch and his cohorts have had a chance to talk directly to the people, unfiltered by the olicarps, I believe Grapho's "solution" will win the day.

Reason and light will prevail at last -- even here on AWADtalk.

The march of freedom is on the march.

We've even seen elections in Afghanistan. Who would have thought that was possible a couple of years ago?