JUST IN! "Paris Hilton seeks tiara trademark"

And it has a "P" where the "BK" ought to be!

Maybe the hottie "hotel heiress" is moving upmenu. What do ya think?

Look for some wannabe Paris "kitchen utensils". Like silver-plated spoons. That is so haute!

"The hotel heiress filed a trademark application in late July to register a logo of a tiara with a "P" centered in the middle, the Smoking Gun Web site first reported Friday.

The logo application, which cost $325 to file, looks to put the logo on audio and visual recordings, eyewear, prepaid calling cards, kitchen utensils, mugs, key chains, soaps, body oils and other goods."


"Prepaid Paris Calling Cards". Do you think we can call Paris with them? Haute my heart races at the thought!