I’ve seen, “My hockey player beat up your honor student”. Since both my sons are honor students, excellent athletes, well able to defend themselves and most importantly; kind and peaceful yet strong in mind body and spirit, I took offence to this. (Almost as much as I disliked the one that says, “If you can’t speak English, get the *&%# out!”, but the *&%# was spelt out, and my kids were in grammar school at the time. [We live in New England, USA]) Being the vindictive hothead that I am, I wanted to create an answer sticker. My version is too long and doesn’t scan well: “Your beer swillin’, doper, big bully of an F student will be working for and probably being overpaid by my honor student someday soon”, not that I have anything against beer – quite the contrary. Perhaps y’all can help. Perhaps I’m beyond help. At any rate, I marvel and rejoice at the general wit and intellect of AWADers. ‘Glad I found this place (via, I think, the Smithsonian mag. some years ago). My days are elevated by youse guys.